
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

thank you elle woods.

so i went running this morning.
and after i went running, i decided to make a blog.
spontaneous, i know.
i knew i couldn't just do a normal blog where i sign on whenever i feel like it and express my innermost feelings or random thoughts with the cyber world. why? 1. because i don't have innermost feelings. and 2. my random thoughts are way to random for the cyber world to handle. it would get way out of hand, trust me. i have this tendency to ramble about nothing. it's a talent, actually. comes in pretty handy when nobody else feels like talking. but i feel like my ramblings wouldn't be as appreciated if there wasn't at least some semblance of structure to them.
so i had to be creative.
this is where the endorphins really came in handy.
i was pumped. i was happy. and i was ready for a brilliant idea to come to my mind. thankfully, it did (atleast i think it's brilliant. if you don't...well then find another blog to read i guess): i will use my blog to publicly thank all the peopleplacesand/orthings that have taught me things. i mean, you learn something new everyday so there are lots of peopleplacesand/orthings to thank, right? right.

so here goes.

my first shout out goes to elle woods.

she taught me that endorphins make you happy.
and happy people just don't kill their husbands...they just don't.

**one should note that happy people also sometimes take up blogging. hey, it happens. so thank you elle woods. and thank you endorphins.

let's just hope this blogging stint doesn't end when the endorphins wear off...


Kimberly McLaughlin said...

hahaha I hope it doesn't either! I'm excited to have a fellow-blogger :)

Taralynn and Kory said...

you should've been a writer for gilmore girls with this talent of rambling!!
i'm excited about this blog!!

Melissa said...

Taralynn is totally right. Gilmore Girls has more rambling and non-stop talking that anything I know.

Here is what I have learned about endorphins. It's only fun when EVERYONE you're with has endorphins. When you have endorphins, but your best friend does not because she was injured and couldn't race that day, she tends to get very annoyed at you.

In further news, every time I attempt to run more than a quarter mile, my foot swells up so much that I can barely get my shoe off. (That was a bit of an exaggeration, but it DOES get squishy and put me in excruciating pain. So, this week I've taken up roller blading and ... SPEED WALKING! (The speed walking is actually just letting my dog set the pace on our walks at Fountain Hills.) And now my hips and ankles are sore...

...and I have no endorphins.