
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


it takes at least three lather-rinse-repeat cycles to get the smell of gasoline out of one's hair.
also, one should flush out his/her eye for at least ten minutes after having gasoline get all up in it in order to avoid permanent damage. a trip to the eye doctor is also recommended.

this i learned from attempting to fill my car up with gas. however, instead of getting gas in my car, i got gas all up on my super cute outfit and in my eye. not okay.

nevertheless, thank you dysfunctional gas pump. i am choosing to learn something from you instead of cursing you (nevermind the fact this took 8 months).

1 comment:

Kimberly McLaughlin said...

As I started this I thought "OH NO, not again!!!!" thank goodness that didn't happen to you twice, otherwise I might make you retire from filling up your car with gasoline.