okay so i was looking over my first few posts on here and i've gotta say, i make myself sound like quite the fool.
thus far i have admitted the following: at one point in my life i didn't know what the national anthem was, i have and continue to make up lyrics, i can't fill up my car with gas without getting it all up on me, and i basically failed my gre practice test.
is there something wrong with this picture?
i submit that there is. because (not to boast or anything), i am kinda smart. or as amanda bynes would say: i'm brilliant. shh...
wanna hear just how brilliant i am?
i will tell you.
this week i learned that something i invented in my head was so brilliant that someone already invented it and it is a real live thing. cool, huH? okay, so maybe that was confusing and doesn't sound as cool as it is, so let me explain further.
two years ago i was "studying" in the basement of the wilkinson center. when i looked over i saw one of my least favorite things ever called a trash can. now, i don't hate all trash cans. just the ones where you have to push on the lid and basically stick your hand in before you can properly dispose of your trash. it's disgusting. nobody wants to touch the lid where a bunch of nast hands have recently been. especially me.
i couldn't quite get over the disgustingness of the trash can before me (note to readers, disgustingness is actually a word according to blogger dot com's spell check). so i pondered. how could i fix this issue? because lids on trash cans really are necessary otherwise there will be a stank in the room. but any trash lid that requires touching is purely disgusting. so...i decided a trash can should be invented that had a swinging lid type thing ON TOP of the trash can. that way, the weight of the trash would tip the lid, easily disposing of your trash. you do not have to touch said lid, plus the stench is covered because there is a lid. brilliant right? right.
mind you, this was two years ago.
well. two days ago, i saw such a trash can. at gammage theatre at "the" arizona state university. i could hardly contain my excitement. i gave myself a pat on the back for thinking of the exact same invention. i wasn't even mad that someone invented it first, because let's face it, i wasn't going anywhere with it and in the meantime, i was required to use nast trash cans. so i'm brilliant. clearly.
so thank you gammage theatre for providing me with evidence in the flesh that i am just a brilliant as a fellow trash can inventor.
Dearest, they have trash cans that are motion sensored now. You wave your hand over top and it opens. Get with the times.
you have never seen trash cans like that before???
now i want to watch that movie.
I don't know that this proves your point, Amy...cuz those kinds of trash cans have been around for a long time :) haha but I love you.
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