
Monday, June 20, 2011

like father, like daughter.

i have a lot of my dad's qualities.
i have his toes.
his eyes.
his brains.
his nose.
his teeth (unfortunately).
his hair (well, i guess not so much "his" hair as his side of the family's hair but whatevs--same thing).

the list could go on. but for those of you who don't care, i will make my point quickly (at least as quickly as a rambler like myself can make a point): this weekend, i learned my dad and i are similar in another area, as well.

we share the same driving pet peeve.

now, i have known for a while that i drive like my dad. my patience on the road is severely lacking. and i get that from him. i also maintain his attitude that it is perfectly alright to call people names when they do idiotic things while driving. we don't tend to call people names in other situations (okay, HE doesn't tend to do that), but driving is a known exception to that rule. the term "idiotic things" is very broad when discussing drivers for me and my dad. it ranges from people who forget to turn their blinkers off (my dad once changed lanes just because he couldn't stand to drive behind someone who would forget such a thing. i would do that same) to people who text while driving to old drivers (particularly snowbirds) to excessively fast drivers to excessively slow drivers to...well, i think i've made my point.

but i never knew we shared the same driving pet peeve until we were driving up to utah and it happened.
you know when you're driving along, cruising in the left lane because you are not "slower traffic" so you maintain the privilege to drive in the left lane. and while cruising in this privileged left lane, you see in the right lane two semis going nice and slow. BOTH of whom are considered by nearly every human being on the planet as "slower traffic." hence, BOTH of those vehicles should remain for always and ever in the right lane as directed by the sign "slower traffic stay right." however, there often comes a time when semi driver number two thinks semi driver number one is slowing him down (even though, in reality, semi driver number two is only able and willing to go approximately two mph faster than semi driver number one). so semi driver number two decides to pass semi driver number one. seriously semi driver number two?? is this really happening? is it really necessary that you pull out in front of me causing me to slam on my breaks and practically stop all movement in order for you to pass semi driver number one--a task that will take you a significantly large amount of time?? during which time, i will be forced to turn off my cruise control and my travel time will increase. seriously??
what do i say to you?
completely a stream of complaints during the entire time in which it takes semi driver number two to pass semi driver number one.
and what did i learn my dad also says to you?
completely a stream of complaints during the entire time in which it takes semi driver number two to pass semi driver number one.
i have never been prouder to call this man my father. okay, so that is definitely a stretch, but i was happy to learn that i am more like my dad than i previously knew!

we are one in the same, you see. i couldn't be more proud to call my dad my dad. and for those of you who would peg this quality as road rage, i say--shame on you. it is far from rage. and even if it were rage (which it isn't), it is clearly justified.

like father, like daughter. i love you, dad.

1 comment:

Kimberly McLaughlin said...

hahaha I'm glad you and your dad could get mad at the stupid semi's together. I will never forget when we were driving to Rexburg and you kept getting sooo mad at the semi's for being idiots. hahaha