remember how i'm sick. and NOT overdosing on ibuprofen.
well, the doctor can't figure out what's wrong with me.
to try and help him, he stole the blood out of my arm and did tests on it. i will not even attempt to recount this experience. it was bad. let's just sum it up by saying i had to sit at the doctor's office for an hour after the blood was taken because the nurse didn't think i was capable of driving home without passing out. awesome.
but that's not the point.
the point is, they did the blood work.
and they still don't know what's wrong with me. (so all the trauma i went through was for nothing. so pissed.)
because the blood says i don't have mono, but the doctor thinks i probably do have mono. how does this make sense?
i will tell you what he taught me:
one out of twenty mono tests are wrong.
so i could have mono even though my blood says i don't have mono. accuracy points do not go to the mono test. that's all i'm saying.
so thanks doctor for teaching me that annoying fact. too bad i can't thank you for figuring out what is wrong with me.
get better soon, me.
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