
Saturday, August 27, 2011

ibuprofen: the gateway drug.

i have been sick for the last week.
unfortunately, i was FORCED to go to the doctor, which i was highly opposed to because i figured the doctor wouldn't be able to do anything for me.
i was right.
she said, drink lots of water and take ibuprofen to keep the fever down.
wow, you went to 8+ years of school to tell me that? seriously? but whatevs.
i did as directed.
but when my mom opened the ibuprofen bottle and realized it was near empty, she freaked. and took the pills away from me. she was concerned i was going a little overboard with those little orange pills. i assure you, i was not. in fact, i was on the conservative side of the doctor's orders.
plus, coach sawyer taught me that there's a simple way to know if you've had too many ibuprofen. i believe the direct quote was, "you know you've had too much when white foam starts coming out of your mouth with the words ibuprofen written on it."
and that hadn't happened yet. so i knew my mom had nothing to worry about.

so thanks for all you taught me, coach. it was nice to be able to reassure my mother that i was not overdosing. i knew you taught me something...


Kimberly McLaughlin said...

hahaha I think you'd have to take a LOT of those pills to overdose. Also, my sister's doctor told her to take like 4 ib's every 5 hours to help with cramps, so apparently it's the cure-all drug.
I hope you're feeling better Miss Amy!!

Kristin said...

I laughed out loud. Coach Sawyer was my brother cross country coach a billion years ago, and yes, I believe that is the medical definition for drug overdoes....white foam with the word ibuprofen on it.